art projects, pen and ink drawings, work in progress

just a quick update on new stuff

Got a couple of things scanned in, one sketch for a new pen and ink drawing, and one finished pen and ink…

The Walker in Darkness, 11"x14"
The Walker in Darkness, 11"x14"

This one is going to be part of another hand-made book I’m planning, along with the other drawings on the “New Stuff” page on my site–you can click on it to go look at the other drawings in the series.

The Silver Key, pencil sketch
The Silver Key, pencil sketch

This little weirdo…it’s a really rough sketch, but I think he’s so cute that I just had to share him :)  He’s from an H.P. Lovecraft story I read recently (click on him to go check out more of my sketches at my site).

3 thoughts on “just a quick update on new stuff”

  1. Hey, I just got a google alert that you had mentioned my website way back in September and I wanted to thank you! I’m glad you found things that were helpful there. The Walker in Darkness is very cool!!


  2. Hi, Sue! Yeah, your site is really neat — and just the other day I tried a trick I picked up there, about hardening polymer clay with a hairdryer. It was very helpful!

    Thanks for stopping by :)


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